le souhait

essay B

Le souhait, le regret – regret sur faits présent = wish + preterit – regret sur fiats passés = wish + past perfect (had +PP) – souhaits = wish + would + BV p g consequently/ as a result so that that’s Why therefore ((par conséquent) (si… ue) (c’est pourquoi) par conséquent) La crainte for fear (that)/ lest (de peur que) So as to nless Whereas IJnlike While When Until Be fore What is Witch is But As a result Also Not only Otherwlse (condition négative) But also Only when As a matter of a fact/ Indeed (explication) Present, Preterit Present perfect (have 4 PP) Past perfect (had + PP) Futur (will+BV) Futur antérieur (will + have + PP Present continious (présen 2